Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy Halloween

It didn't even feel like Halloween on Saturday.  In fact, at about 3:00 in the afternoon I looked at my boys and said "Man how times have changed.  About 15 years ago you guys would have been bouncing off the walls asking when it was going to get dark, when you could get on your costumes, when you could go trick or treating. Do you even know that today is Halloween?"  They both just laughed.

Saturday started off great.  I made a pan full of lawnmower clippings into a beautiful rainbow breakfast to eat with a piece of toast and the last of the papaya.  Got to add purple sweet potato and cilantro to my plant list for the week. Everything else was repeats. Up to 51!  Woo Hoo! 

The boys and I sat around watching football all the live long day!  We did take a quick break to have Harry try out the Peloton.  We really expected him to find the clipping in and clipping out difficult and it went way to smoothly to even be halfway entertaining for me and Chip. Harry did experience some discomfort in his nether region on the old bike seat and that made us laugh, but other than that he didn't struggle at all. We were disappointed. 

After burning off a few calories I had to load the boys up with some of their favorites.  Sausage balls, mini-schnitzel bites and queso.  I did throw some carrots on the tray and I think they both ate one.  Everything else was wiped out. 

I made myself some edamame to snack on. I looked at several recipes and ended up just piecing something together.  I boiled the entire bag of frozen edamame for about four minutes and then tossed the pods in a little toasted sesame oil, tons of fresh garlic and a bunch of chili flakes.  Sprinkled the whole batch with some salt and gobbled them up!  Harry said it smelled like Joe's Crab Shack.  I don't think that was a compliment in his mind, but for me it tasted great! I may have garlic leaking out of my pores!   

Got to add edamame to the list and ended Saturday with 52 plants for the week!  

I also made this little apple pie tart thing with the left over apple pie filling I made a couple of days ago and had in the freezer.  It was yummy and a perfect dessert for a fall afternoon. 

The boys headed over to their dad's house in the afternoon and I cleaned up the kitchen and got ready for our little get together in the cul-de-sac.  I was a gorgeous night. There were not many trick or treaters, but it was fine.  We enjoyed the company, the beverages, the full moon and there were s'mores!  Fun night!   

Hope your Halloween was not too spooky!  Bring on November!  Is it too early to put out Christmas decorations?  I think I am going to get an early start this year and enjoy them for a little longer than normal. There are no rules during the COVID!  Do what you can to bring the joy! 


  1. Those grass clippings look so fresh but I prefer adding that beautiful orb that comes from a chickens rear parts. Yummy!
    I love that apple tart. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and im in hog heaven. Love that jack in a box. Scary thing!


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