Saturday, October 31, 2020

Fantastic Friday

A perfect Friday in the books! I had the best day with my boys!  Could not have asked for more. 

Started off the day with a little work and some leftover pancakes topped with a smear of nut butter, bananas, toasted almonds, chia seeds and maple syrup.  Good start.  No new plants. 

When the boys got up, Crappy Cuts opened the doors for business and Harry got a solid haircut after five months of growth! There was hair all over the backyard! 

For lunch, Chip made his specialty chopped cheese sandwich for his brother and it was a massive hit!  Harry said it was one of the best sandwiches he had ever had. Chip was thrilled!  I heated up the leftover jackfruit barbecue with the addition of a little Liquid Smoke.  It gave it a more barbequey (100% that is not a word) taste and I highly recommend. 

Then we went for a walk with the worst dog in the world.  It was a beautiful day. Just walking and talking and laughing and picking up poop.  Always with the picking up poop.  When we got back we sat out in the backyard to enjoy the weather.  While we were sitting there a massive Cooper's hawk landed on our tree.  Not ten feet from us!  It didn't stay for but just a second but what a thrill! 

Wrapped up the afternoon with a few games of Sequence.  Harry won three hands in a row and was unbearable. Always sneaking in with the diagonal!  

The boys went to their dad's house about five and I cut the grass, took another walk with Judy and the pups and the went to Judy's house to put together treats for the neighborhood kids.  It was a FANTASTIC FRIDAY!  Expecting more of the same this beautiful Saturday. 

No new plants on the list for Friday, but I have already added three more on Saturday morning!  More on that in tomorrow's post! 

Have a great day! 

1 comment:

  1. Food looks amazing. Love, love Drew's hair style. He looks so debonair. Tyler looks handsome as ever but I probably would have liked his long locks. Glad you all are having a wonderful reunion. Im looking forward to more food pics. Your food, plating, photography is clutch!


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