Friday, November 6, 2020

New Week - New List

This has been a week!  I started this post on Tuesday morning and just couldn't get back to it. Work is super busy and the time change has me messed up and it is election week and whew!  We made it to Friday and am so dang relieved!  It hasn't been all challenges this week....there has been lots of celebrations too!  Let's document the good news before we get to the plants!  

On Wednesday, I got a little work bonus!  Out of the blue. Totally surprised. That doesn't happen on just a random Wednesday in November.  It came along with some really nice words of appreciate for the job I do and I am telling you words matter.  Money is nice, but man hearing that you are a valuable employee and are appreciated will fill you right up! So, if you are a boss of anyone...tell them you appreciate them.  Tell them they are valuable. Do it. It matters. 

Also, in the good news column, my sweet niece found out this morning that she got into her first college choice! We have a Baylor Bear in the family! I was heading out the door at 6:15 a.m. to meet Martha for a walk when I got the good news! Martha is a Baylor Bear and one of my favorite people and I couldn't wait to tell her! I got all choked up walking in the dark, thinking about The Queen getting her good news this morning and imagining how proud and excited she must feel. And my sister, The Nice One, I know is beaming with pride!  The best! 

Finally, this evening, I picked up my mail for the first time this week and buried in the giant pile of junk mail, I found a little note from my friend Jenny saying that she is happy I am blogging again! She signed it "Your #1 Fan". Who does that? Who is that thoughtful?  Jenny!  She does that!  My first piece of FAN MAIL for Bourbon and Blowpops!  What a thrill!  Thank you, Jenny!  Got me motivated to get after this post and finish it tonight! 

One last thing before we talk about plants.  

I just got back from McDonald's where I scarfed down a Filet-o-Fish and order of fries. I have been thinking about a Filet-o-Fish for days and I just went and got it and ate it. And I enjoyed it. And it wasn't made of plants and I am okay with that.  

I started eating plant based on July 16th. It has been 16 weeks and I feel great! I don't have aches and pains. Lots of energy. I feel even and steady, if that makes any sense. Kicking butt on my Peloton. I am losing a little weight. I feel like I can eat like this forever. I really enjoy it. But tonight, I wanted a Filet-o-Fish.  In the past, I would fight the urge and think of myself as weak and someone who doesn't finish things and all kinds of negative crap.  I am not doing that anymore. I am grown. I am living life as best as I can. Giving myself grace. Speaking to myself like I would talk to a friend.  It is better this way.  Kinder.  


I kicked off Monday with a clean slate and a blank list on my kitchen counter.  I also kicked it off with two live proposals and a early morning start for work! 

Thankfully, I had some leftover lawnmower mix for a breakfast taco, that I heated up and topped with avocado for an extra plant!  This little ensemble below has sweet potato, red bell pepper, jalapeños, mung beans, onions, spinach, cilantro, black beans and avocado.  That is a nine plant breakfast and it was delicious! 

For lunch, I threw together a quick vegan grilled cheese with smoked gouda, red onion and Trader Joe's spicy zoug sauce.  It was quick and tasty and provided me with some wicked breath! I needed to brush my teeth after eating raw onions, but no new plants for the list! 

I cranked up the plant count for dinner and made some bulgur with black beans, garlic, asparagus, onions, cilantro and toasted walnuts.  Added 4 new plants at dinner! 

I was also kind of snacky on Monday and ate some peanuts, apple slices and some seaweed sheets.  Seaweed sheets are so fun to eat and they taste great.  My favorite so far is the red pepper flake ones. I fold them and try to put them in my mouth without touching my lips.  No idea why, but it cracks me up even while I am doing it!  Anyway Monday ended at 17 plants in one day! 

I have only added 17 more plants over the rest of the week and am sitting at 34 on Friday evening.  I am eating lots of repeats and haven't made many new things.  Let me tell you of one new fruit I tried and my two favorites new dishes this week. 

I ate a Guava. Just sorted through the HEB fruits and veggie section online and saw a Guava. I have never had one, so of course I added it to my cart!  I was wondering if it would be mango size or toaster size like the ol' surprise gigantic papaya.  It was the size of a lime.  Again, I had to watch a You Tube video on how to eat it. I liked it!  The seeds were super hard and even though The You Tube said some people eat the seeds....eating the seeds will crack all your teeth.  Trust me.  Do not eat the seeds. 

This is Jessica in the Kitchen's Vegan Coconut Curry Lentil and it was fantastic.  I ate it at least three times this week! 

This is Trader Joe's frozen Chicken-Less Mandarin Orange Morsels.  You cook them 18 minutes in the oven and they get tossed in some yummy sauce.  I dumped them on some arugula and parsley and topped them with a little extra red pepper flakes, sesame seeds and green onion. IT WAS GOOD!  I will want this in my freezer at all times for when I am craving a little something spicy and quick! 

That's it!  The best of the week so far!  I have got to get busy on Saturday and Sunday to get to 40!  This will be my eighth week eating at least 40 different plants! That's good stuff!   

Are any of you counting your plants?  Tell me!  

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