Sunday, March 25, 2018

Ten Random Tidbits

It has been a great weekend so far!  I have a ton of yard work to get to today, but just thought I would touch base with a few random tidbits.  Basically, I am going to quickly fire out what is rolling around in this old noggin of mine and then go fire up my electric hedge clippers!
  • I volunteered at HopeAustin yesterday and helped bag up 2,100 bags of food for at risk children in our school district. It is hard work - hauling cases of cans and macaroni and cheese and oatmeal, setting up assembly lines, filling the bags, tying the bags, hauling the filled bags back inside for storage.  It is also rewarding work.  Young people turn out to help, along with lots of moms.  The ladies who run the organization are exceptional. So invested in children and making the world a better place. I leave there a sweaty mess, but profoundly grateful that services like this exists to get food to children who need it and that I get to be a small part of it.  Good stuff! 

  • Harry graduates from college on May 8th.  Wow.  That four years went fast.  No job yet, but if you have any connections in the sports world he is looking for a job in communications or media relations!  College level, minor leagues, just anywhere he can put his sports journalism skills to use! 
  • The Austin bomber was caught last week. Thank God. And yet, I received a box from Walmart yesterday and hesitated before opening it.  
  • Cooper is doing so great on his medication. I took him (and Martha) on an hour and a half walk  Friday night and then he slept from 11:00 pm until 10:00 am Saturday morning!  He is sleeping upstairs with me now most nights and he curls up at the end of the bed and doesn't move.  Way different than before medication when he was banned from upstairs because he would frantically attack every pillow in sight and systematically carry any shoe, sock, pillow, towel, piece of dirty clothes downstairs to the landing.  He also would try to bite your feet when you tried to go up or down the stairs.  Now he just lets you walk like a normal person and he ambles along beside you like a regular dog.  It is quite a revelation. 

  • Super Random.  On our daily short drive to school or home from school, Chip hits me with some weird random facts.  This one stuck with me....when a male bee has sex with a queen bee his testicles explode and he dies.  Ouch.
  • I went antiquing yesterday afternoon with a couple of my friends and it was so fun!  I haven't been in an antique store in a long time and the minute I stepped through the door and smelled that antique smell I had a rush of happiness!  I was on the hunt for an interesting side table for Harry's bedroom and we scoured every nook and cranny of the place and found one!  It is the neatest little metal game table that has two sides that can be raised or lowered. One side has green felt on it.  I am going to make a few modifications to it, and will post pictures soon!  I also found a cute Easter sign and a white coffee cup straight out of a diner.  I love drinking coffee at a diner and I don't know why it has never occurred to me to get a similar coffee cup for home.  Now I have one and I am already enjoying it this morning!   I am still on the hunt for an old ottoman I can recover for my living room, so more antiquing/junking/yard sale hunting to come! 

  • Martha took me to see I Can Only Imagine last night!  It was so, so good!  It is a movie about the story behind Mercy Me's breakout single "I Can Only Imagine".  It was painful and beautiful and I cried and was furious.  People are so broken.  God is so good.  Go see it. 
  • I am thinking about getting some fake flowers to put in my big outdoor flower pots.  Does that mean I am officially an old lady?  Do I care?  
  • This tweet is hilarious!  My friend Sheri sent this to me and I have laughed over and over at it.  Super funny because I have a hydration pack and hiking sticks!  Also, it makes me want to plan another hiking expedition with my girls. 
  • I have three friends who have kids who are getting married and two that are going to be first time grandma's!  I can't wait for wedding shower/baby showers to start happening!  Is there anything better than celebrating young love and new life?  The best! 
That is it!  My brain is empty.  Time for breakfast and yard work....and maybe one more cup of coffee in my new cup!  Need lots of caffeine so hopefully I don't cut the extension cord in half with my clippers!  I speak from personal experience! 

Hope the rest of your weekend is lovely! 

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