I can't breathe inside my house because of this....
Why is the self cleaning function on an oven so dang stinky! Could it be because I let about two years worth of spilled and burnt food build up in there before I hit the clean button! Am I the only one who does that?
You guys made me feel better about getting into my pajamas early, so reach out and let me know how often you clean your oven? Unless, you clean your oven every month or so then I do not want to hear from you.
I spent a good amount of time outside Sunday afternoon, giving all the front yard things a good haircut and picking up more damn leaves! My word, the leaves! So many little tiny oak leaves.
Loads and loads of leaves, branches and weeds picked up in the front yard. Looks nice and tidy, although I do feel like those two big pots are screaming for some color. I have no luck with live flowering plants in these pots so I am seriously going to look at some fake flowers! You just wait and see!
Also, great news....I did NOT cut the extension cord in half! There is always next weekend when I tackle the backyard!
Now, let's address the breathing outside situation with all this pollen! This is a side view of my car door. Do you see all the yellow stripes? That is pollen.
The pollen is a really pretty shade of yellow and it is on everything! We have several days of rain in the forecast this week and that will help tremendously in washing this stuff away. Then I will be able to wash all the back patio furniture and my car and maybe it will stay clean for a while!
Finally, here are some pretty lovely meals I made this weekend.
Potatoes, onions, red and yellow pepper, jalapeños all fried up on a cast iron skillet and topped with an egg. Felt like I was camping - and I don't even camp! Delicious.
Sunday sandwich. Have you tried Dave's Killer Bread? If not, you must. It is so good. It has big seeds in it that fall out when you take a bite. Really, really seriously good. And the bread comes with a great story of restoration and hope. Dave came out of a 15 year prison sentence, re-joined his family bakery business and worked his butt off to come up with this new bread recipe that is a huge hit. It is the number one organic bread in America. Now about a third of their employees have a prior criminal background and the bakery gives them a second chance by employing them and they are slaying it! Dave gives them a chance and they are helping him right back by working hard to make the business grow. I enjoy a story like that....but mostly I really like the bread!
Add in some pickles and it is lunch time perfection!
Hope your weekend was spectacular and you are able to breathe inside and outside!
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