Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I Got 40!

I have had a busy day of work, took a quick spin on the Peloton and then took another trash picking up walk with Judy!  It has been a full day! 

I still need to do the dishes tonight, so this is going to be quick update.  We left off yesterday at 33 different plants for the week.

For breakfast today I had one of those lawnmower breakfast tacos Bob couldn't look at before noon.  It had potatoes, onions, poblano peppers, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes scrambled up with some Just Egg (vegan egg replacement made of mung beans and some other mess). Several repeat vegetables, but I added potatoes, poblano peppers and mung beans as new plant varieties to my list for the week.  At 36 different plants after breakfast.    

For lunch I had a Beyond Meat Bratwurst that was great!  Big fan of the Beyond Meat products. I cooked up some onions and jalapeños to put on top of the Brat and then shaved some carrots bits to give it some added crunch!  A little bit of mustard and it was delightful.  Added Pea Protein and jalapeño to my list for the week...up to 38! 

I snacked on a banana at some point in the day.  That makes 39!  I also had half of a Reese Take Five candy bar. There were no plants to count in that candy bar, but plenty of calories.  But I am not counting calories, because I CAN'T DO EVERYTHING! 

Dinner was a pretty traditional veggie plate. It included arugula, tomatoes, red onion, avocado, sweet potato and asparagus.  It looked all pretty on the plate and then I smushed it all together and put some magical Mission Fig balsamic vinegar over it (Thanks Sandy!!!) and gobbled it up! 

Sweet potato and avocado are new for the week and I am 41 different plants!  Woo Hoo!  41 plants in three days!  I still have four more days to go on the plant list for this week so hoping I can get to fifty!  

Isn't this a fun little competition to have with yourself?  No.  Maybe I am just a weirdo, but I love it!  Really makes me think and try to get some variety in my life!  Variety is great for your gut biome and when your gut biome is good, lots of other things work better in your body!  Immune system.  Pooping is so great! Also, whatever I have been doing for the last several months has been great for inflammation and aches and pains.  I do still get sore when I go hard on the Peloton, but not the same aches and pains I was having just getting out of bed in the morning. That is nice. I have lost about six or seven pounds and got into some smaller pants and that feels nice. Otherwise, it just gives me a good disposition to be doing something so good for myself. 

Even if you don't feel inspired to get into the plant counting game with me, I hope you don't mind me blabbing on and on about it.  I am sure my fascination will die down at some point.  I will tell you that Lana is so dang happy to have something to read from me!  Not sure she is looking for Bratwurst stories, but it is what we have Mom. 

Have a great night!  

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