Saturday, June 23, 2018

Iceland Day 3 - Continued

We last left off in Iceland with me nursing a broken knee caused by a murderous pair of hiking boots and a near death experience at a waterfall.  Perhaps, I am being a bit dramatic here, but I am Bob's daughter.  I took a couple of Aleve during the drive and prayed that my knee would feel better by the time we got to our next stop.  It was a bigger waterfall and I was so excited to see it.  No idea what the name of the waterfall is, but I am sure it was 17 letters long (these Icelandic folks are not afraid of stringing some letters together!)

LOOK AT THIS!!!  Isn't it stunning? 

I lowered myself to the ground from a sit position in the car and the pain made me nauseous.  UGH!!!  I hobbled (with lots of help) over to a bench to just stare at the beauty around me while the rest of the crew took off to get a better look.  Megan was kind enough to take my camera and get pictures for me. 

She climbed these stairs to get pictures from above. 

The white dots on this hillside are sheep.  They are everywhere and they are so dang cute.  So many babies!

I knew Iceland was going to be pretty, but you really cannot even understand how beautiful this country is until you see it in person. 

Back to the party bus and on to the Black Beach!  Look at this!  Isn't it amazing?  

I had to enjoy it from pictures and videos because the walk to the beach was more than I could manage.  In fact, it took me a solid 30 minutes to go 15 feet to a bathroom!  I could only manage about an inch at a time. There was gravel in the parking lot and you could see the path were I drug my foot behind me to the bathroom and back.  My poor travel companions had to walk on either side of me to give me support.  It was bleak and frustrating and I was so dang mad.  This is where I got the first look at my knee and it was gross.  I had such a hard time taking the first step every single time I got out of the van.  I may or may not have said some version of "This first step is a doozie" at least 5,488 times.  It just felt like bones might pop out of my shin or the side of my knee with the first little bit of pressure on my knee. 

And of course, because I am me...I was also worried about how I would get up to the third floor apartment we were staying at, how would I manage on a plane, how would I get my crazy dog home, what if I need surgery, UGH, UGH, UGH!!!   I tried to shut down my brain and enjoy the moment.  

Next stop!  Glaciers! 

I stayed in the car for this one too because there were stairs and I was holding on by a thread.

I did get this shot of Brett setting up his drone to fly.  More on that later! 

Esra found amazing parking every place we went and I this was my view of the glacier bay from the car.  Isn't the change in sky so ominous?  It was freezing and windy at our final stop of the day.  

These are icebergs headed out to sea. 

It was about 2 pm when we left the glaciers and we had a five hour drive to the summer house where we were staying for the evening.  I tried to elevate my foot, took more Aleve and prayed. 

We finally arrived!  Hooray!  Get me out of this van!  

This was the most brutal walk of the day.  I had to get up this walkway and into that house!  I was sweaty and nauseous and really wanted to just have a good hard cry.  Esra's beautiful mother was waiting on us with a comfy chair, ice pack, codeine and kindness.  I love her so.  

She prepared an amazing meal of grilled fish and vegetables that was so delicious.  She also made traditional Icelandic pancakes with coffee for dessert.  She spoiled us.  

While she was grilling, Brett set up his drone to take a few shots of this beautiful home in the country.  Sadly, his drone went haywire and took off over the ledge behind the house.  Rut-Roh!  They spent a couple of hours combing the mountainside with no luck.  It was gone!  Camera and all.  So, so disappointing that we lost the footage from the day.  Broken knee - missing drone - COME ON, ICELAND!  

I wish I had more pictures of the summer house because it really was gorgeous!  So pretty!  There was a hot tub on the back deck.  This is where Esra and his family spend quality time together.  I could get used to this! 

We packed a ton into Day 3 in Iceland!  With the power of codeine and complete exhaustion from this day, I slept like a rock!  More to come....

1 comment:

  1. It does look beautiful. Is this their summer? Seems a little cool. Is this normal for mid summer?
    I hope you have made arrangements to have a doctor look at the knee as soon as possible when you get home.
    I'm thankful you have good caregivers looking after you. Thank them for me. Love you and pray for a good flight back home.


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