Friday, April 20, 2018

Where Did That Week Go?

The week flew by...busy with work and appointments and meetings and chores and life.  Can't believe it is already Friday again!   Let me catch you up on a few things that went down this week.  

Harry had his interview Tuesday with the Red Sox.  Unfortunately, they only had part time summer positions available and those didn't fit into what he wants to do, so he is continuing his search for a job!  I trust he will land exactly where he is supposed to land.  But if he could land in his room upstairs for a hot minute....that would be fine with his momma.

I had two dentist appointments this week!  Two.  Back to back.  Tuesday and Wednesday.  The first one was a regular cleaning appointment and the other was to get my permanent crown put on.  They said most people didn't requiring numbing to put on a permanent crown, but I am special.  My tooth was full of nerves and I couldn't stay in my seat when they touched my tooth with anything!  We opted to hit it with some Novocaine so I wouldn't slug anyone and within a few short minutes all was well in the world.  New crown fit like it has been there forever! 

As the VP of Philanthropy this year for YMSL, I had to address our new class of Freshman moms and their sons on Wednesday night.  My goal was to fill them in on the kinds of philanthropy work we do,  how to sign up, what happens if you cancel, etc.  It wasn't a huge deal, but I was a little nervous.  My friend Kristi was previously VP for Philanthropy and you have NEVER met anyone more comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. That girl is relaxed, articulate, funny, gorgeous, smart and a great presenter.  I was trying to channel her energy on Wednesday night.  Not sure it worked completely, but I didn't fail miserably so we will put that in the win column.  

Work is kicking my butt.  It has been a long while since work has kicked my butt.  I know I am past due, and yet...still hard to take! 

I am bound and determined not to get bogged down in work and forget about finding the joy in the day.  This week I found joy in several things.  

1)  I made time for a couple of trips to the dog park with my boy Coop.  This is a picture of a happy dog.  He loves the dog park.  I love the fresh air, sunshine, gorgeous weather, visiting with friends and the exhausted dog I get to bring home!   

2)  I also made up these darling treat bags for the second grade class I read with.  You would be hard pressed to find something that brings me more joy than putting together some treat bags for an elementary school class!   Love it! 

3) Also, in the joy column...taking small breaks throughout the day to grab my coffee cup and step out into my backyard and check on things.  I check in with God, pick up some sticks and pull a few weeds here and there.  So much is starting to bloom and peek up from the dirt. My rose bush is climbing and blooming and making me happy.  

My herbs are coming back like gang busters....oregano, thyme and parsley. 

4) Also in the out of doors joy column, I feed the blue jays (and sometimes squirrels) these whole shelled peanuts. They empty it so quickly. 

5)  Biggest joy provider and source of entertainment and levity is my Chipster.  Here is what transpired yesterday morning.  He was going through his morning routine and was on the hunt for some short socks.  He only recently started wearing short socks and now won't wear anything else.  He couldn't find any clean socks and I told him he only had like three pair and if they were all upstairs in the dirty clothes I hadn't washed them.  He said "I have at least six new pair that were in my Easter basket."  I corrected him and told him he only got three pair in his Easter basket.  He said six.  I knew it was three.  I checked the my Amazon order and he was right.  It was six.  Dang it! 

The news that he was right, set off a celebration dance in my kitchen, the likes of which I have never seen and hope never to see again.  He was hollering and chanting "FINALLY, I was right!"  "YOU are actually human and were wrong about something!"  "Hallelujah!"  "I WAS RIGHT!"  I eventually said, "That's enough of your showboating, get ready for school."  He kept right on shaking and dancing and said "Haha, and now you are salty about it!"  I just cracked up!  Turd blossom!  Laughter is good for the soul.

Finally, I also hope to keep writing regularly on this blog!  It brings me so much happiness! 

Have a fantastic weekend!  

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