Thursday, April 12, 2018

Big News

Several items fall into the BIG NEWS category today.  Let's run them down:
  • Chip passed the written part of the driver's exam today! We will be heading to the DMV to get his permit next week! YAY! 
  • Harry has a phone interview with the Boston Red Sox next Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.  CST.  Your prayers would be appreciated that it goes well! It would be the thrill of a lifetime for him to work for his favorite team. 
  • My lab test results from my annual exam already came back and they were all good! Still waiting on the mammogram results, but feeling optimistic.
In other tiny news, that might be interesting only to Lana and Bob:
  • Judy invited me over for dinner last night and we visited and cooked one of her Blue Apron meals together. Salmon and Freekeh. Scrumptious. The Freekeh is a grain and the recipe called for us to combine the grain with lemon, garlic, zucchini and dates. So interesting. There was also a fabulous yogurt sauce for the Salmon. I was a fan. 
  • I read to my little pumpkins today. We only have a few weeks left to read together and then my Thursdays mornings will be void of snuggling up and reading with little people. 
  • I took TWDITW to the dog park today and a black husky was mean to him. Chasing and growling, biting, pinning him by his neck and Coop was scared. I wanted to snatch that husky up and give him a hard talking to. Thankfully another dog owner grabbed the husky before I could get over to them and pulled him off. Poor Coop. No harm other than his feelings. Then Coop found a 4 month old little puppy to romp with and that was a much better fit.  
  • Doing the dishes is the worst. 
  • I have a hike planned for Saturday morning with some friends at a new park.  Can't wait!
Hope you have some things to celebrate today and great things to look forward to for the weekend! 

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