Friday, April 13, 2018


Today would have been my 27th wedding anniversary, except I got divorced in my 26th year of marriage, so there is no celebration.  I have messy feelings about it.  Really messy.  So, I will just leave that messiness here on April 13th and wake up tomorrow and it won't be an anniversary day.  It will be a new day.  A day that I go hiking with some friends.  A day that I navigate some new trails and breathe in some nature and look for God in all the cracks and crevices of the woods. I really can't wait.  I think that is a beautiful thing...that the messy feelings will be replaced with marvelous feelings come sunrise.  I love that thought.

In other waaayyyyy less touchy, feely news...

  • Cooper has whined to go outside to take care of his personal business at 1:30 a.m. in the morning.  Two nights in a row.  That is rude and unacceptable. 
  • Grey's anatomy is still one of my favorite shows.
  • Mosquitoes are back.  Bring on the DEET! 
  • Changes are happening at work.  Reorganization kind of changes.  I have learned with age that change can be hard, but it isn't necessarily bad.  I will just keep my head down, keep doing my thing until it all shakes out. 
Let's close with some sweet pictures of my precious children.  

Harry, my darling Harry.  Please rewind the clock and let's play trains for hours. 

Love this picture of my boy.  How is it he is graduating from college? That can't be right.

My little Chipster!  Look at your darling little smile.  Oh, how this makes my heart sing. 

This kid.  He is all the best of all the things.  Makes my heart so full!

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

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