Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Cooper's Valentine

Cooper and Tibi had a little Valentine's play date today. 

Let's flashback to when these two five month old pups started playing together.

Weren't they precious with their snarling lips and angry puppy teeth? 

They have played together a hundred times since that first play date and they still snarl their lips and show their angry teeth.  Sometimes they growl real angry at each other and try to to rip each others face off.  It is just darling...and also a little frightening. 

Today, we met at our local pool area because it has been raining and yucky lately and the dog park is a muddy pit.  

The pups don't seem to mind! 

Tibi brought TWDITW a little Valentine Cookie just for pups! 

Peanut butter, oatmeal and yogurt frosting.  Cooper loved it! 

While we were at the park, the pool guy came to clean the neighborhood pool.  He turned on the drain to run some water out and the dogs were in heaven.  Take a look at Tibi in water!  You have never seen a happier dog than this girl. 

I am so glad that she and Coop found each other and get along so well!  
It has been the biggest blessing to their mothers!

Hope you got to romp in a giant puddle with your sweetheart!  

1 comment:

  1. Love at First Bite!
    What a blessing in so many ways. You've become a precious sister that just happens to have a Super Duper Cooper (aka TWDIDW). He will always be our SDC!
    Thanks for capturing the very challenging photos.


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