Just kidding, let's do ten.
1. I received so many heartfelt messages in response to my last Bittersweet post. People are so good. I love that I can share my heart with you and you guys share yours right back with me. We can do hard things. Sure is nice that we don't have to do them alone.
2. I started intermittent fasting on a whim yesterday just because my brother mentioned he was trying it. Eat only in an eight hour window and then fast for 16 hours. I LOVED the eight hour eating window. Complete breeze. The 16 hour fasting window however is proving to be very LONG. I have three hours left before I can eat today and I check my count down clock every forty seconds to see how much time I have left.
3. I have started repairs on the boys shower, gluing back on the soap dish that Chip ripped right off the wall. It looks like a totally professional job. Am, I right? I have to caulk around the dish and can then clean the tub within an inch of its life. Nothing like some terrible photography to make you want to spray, scrub, rinse and repeat all over a bathtub!
4. Got two walks in this week with Martha. Early morning talks and walks under the cover of darkness are one of my very favorite things. I have missed it and am thrilled to be easing back into a routine. About three miles....leg feels great! Cooper is also very happy.
5. Chip had a migraine Monday night. He has not had one of those in a very long time. It was not fun. It involved severe pain and vomiting. The worst.
6. Lana's biopsy scheduled for last week was postponed until yesterday. It went off without a hitch and she should have results pretty quickly. Prayers continue to be appreciated.
7. I am making pork chops in the crock pot for dinner tonight. Crock pot cooking is so easy...why don't I do it more often?
8. Speaking of cooking, this weekend I tried soft boiled eggs for the first time in my life. They were fantastic, even served on a gluten free English muffin. I was inspired by a post I saw from Jen Hatmaker, who is hilarious in all things but apparently a genius in the soft boiled egg department.
9. We are hosting a pancake breakfast at my house in a couple weeks for our Love Box family. I am going to get my Grandma Box out of the garage and let the little ones play with the boys old Thomas the Train set. Going to drag out all the wooden puzzles I saved. So much fun. I CANNOT WAIT!!!
10. Good news....only 2:51:40 left until I can eat again!
This blog, in its very short life has been an absolute treasure to me. Happy 100th post to me!
Have a spectacular Wednesday! May you have lots of things to smile about and try to laugh hard at least once!
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