Friday, January 26, 2018

Musical Mattresses

Have you ever started a project and it snowballs until your whole house looks like a tornado hit it?

No?  Me neither.

That is a lie.

I am in that situation at this very moment.  I am so far into that situation it is not even funny.  I am blaming it on the Swedish Death Cleaning, but I don't really think that is what is happening here.

Now to follow along with this story of musical mattresses you may need to get a white board and some Expo markers or at a minimum a piece of paper and a pen.  In advance, go ahead and draw four rooms on the paper or whiteboard - one with a G for Guest Room - one with a H for Harry's Room - one with a C for Chip's Room and one with an M for Master Bedroom.  You can draw arrows between rooms and try to keep up!

Here we go.

A couple months ago I ordered a new mattress for the guest room (G).  It was one of those mattresses that shows up on your front door step all shrunk wrapped in a giant bag.  You take the plastic off and it starts unrolling and swelling up into a regular old mattress.  Kinda magic and also very reasonably priced and I did not have to walk into a mattress store.  Bonus.  Turns out, a new mattress also feels pretty lovely.  Like REALLY lovely.  After a quick test run, Chip decided the new mattress felt way better than his old mattress.  Only problem is that Chip has a full size bed frame and the new mattress was a queen.  We made the switch anyway and moved the new mattress into Chip's room (C), and his full mattress to the Guest room (G) while Chip tested it out.  The queen mattress was a dream to sleep on, but was not fitting on his frame worth a darn.  We coped.

Fast forward a couple months and I decided that Harry's room (H) which only had a twin bed, could use the full mattress that was in the Guest Room (G).  He is a grown 21 year old man, so a bigger bed just seems necessary.  So, I ordered Chip (C) the same kind of new mattress he was enjoying in a queen size, in a full size so it would fit the frame in his room.  Then I moved the queen mattress he had been testing into the Master (M) because momma needed a new mattress too!  The queen mattress in the Master (M) went to the Guest (G) room and the Guest room mattress that was originally Chip's old full size mattress is going to Harry's (H) room.

Are you dizzy yet?

If not, please imagine a 51 year old woman and a 15 year old boy dragging mattresses from one room to the other.  It was chaos.  I was practically worthless.  No, actually I was all the way worthless. I wasn't pulling or pushing much and I was laughing so hard that Chip had to move the mattresses while dealing with me as a laughing blockade.  It was so awesome!  If you happen to see Chip, do not ask him how awesome it was.  His opinion may be different than mine.

The mattresses are all almost in their final resting place.  My final move it to get the twin mattress and bed out of Harry's room (H) so I can move in the full bed frame and mattress.

While I was doing the bit of rearranging to fit a full bed in Harry's room, I decided to clean off his bookcase and box up his things...Rearrange some pictures...Clean out every single thing that was left in his his closet.  I have stacks of stuff everywhere!

In conclusion, my house is a wreck, but it is eventually going to be awesome and everyone is going to sleep well!  I personally have been sleeping like a rock in my new (slightly used) mattress from Chip's room.  It was worth all the aggravation.

I plan on cleaning and purging all day tomorrow!  Hopefully, I can bring some order back to the chaos.  Wish me luck!

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