Saturday, October 6, 2018

Cancer Battle Begins

Thursday, October 4th, 9:00 a.m. - Mark it on the calendar as the time and date that my mom started her battle against cancer.  It is on!

She was anxious the night before her first treatment, but it could not have gone any better.  The nurses and staff were wonderful and put her at ease. She was there for five hours, had no adverse reaction to the medication....although she did say at some point her forehead felt like waves of something coursing through her blood stream.  ACKKK!  I sent her all the text and email messages I had received from my friends that were praying for her. That was a sweet distraction and made me feel like I was helping.

They sent her home with this auto-inject contraption on her rib cage area.  It is a small square vial of medication that is taped to her side.  It has a timer and is set to automatically release medication into her body at the 27 hour mark.  The medicine helps ease aches and pains that chemo patients experience.  Isn't that cool?

After she got home, she crashed and took a three hour nap which meant she was up really late that night.  Wouldn't you know that when she finally got sleepy and turned off the light, there was a blinking green light coming from under her nightgown. She said it looked like a lightening bug was trapped under her shirt.  It scared her a little bit so she woke up Bob.  Together they determined it was coming from the auto injector and figured it was probably fine.  After her heart stopped racing she went back to bed.  She packed lots of blankets on top of it so it wouldn't light up the room!  Who would have thought that would have been what scared her?  Hilarious! 

The auto-injector went off like clockwork yesterday evening and dispensed medication for about 45 minutes and then they were able to remove it.  Now she just rests and hopefully stays feeling pretty good. 

My lovely friend Sandy sent my parents a card in the mail that was so sweet. Callie and George delivered some gumbo to them this morning.  Appreciate all the love and prayers! 

Keep them coming!  

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