Monday, July 2, 2018

My Knee

I know, I know....I just keep going on and on about this dang leg of mine.  For anyone jumping in on this drama late, here is a summary....on Day 3 of my 10 day vacation, my hiking boots got hooked together and I fell hard on a rocky path at the first Icelandic waterfall we visit.  I did not tumble down the cliff to my death, but damn did it hurt.  I thought for sure when I looked down at my leg that a bone would be sticking out, but it wasn't.

I hobbled around Iceland for the remainder of my trip, with a combination of help from my sweet, patient, sometimes exasperated family, the beautiful Icelanders and occasional wheelchairs.  Honestly, it was only the first step anywhere that was excruciating and then my knee would basically go numb.  Once it was numb, I could get around pretty good.  And by pretty good, I mean holding on to all kinds of things (people, cars, benches, tables, chairs, door frames, etc), swinging my right arm as if I was winding up for a knock out punch and taking baby steps like I was eighty-seven years old and recovering from hip replacement surgery. I walked unassisted a lot towards the end of our trip and managed to climb in and out of a van and go up and down three flights of stairs more times than I can count.  Still in pain, I made an appointment with an orthopedic doctor for the Monday I returned to the States.  By the time I saw the doctor, it was eight days after the incident and although still swelling and hurting I was driving, walking and getting around pretty good.

They took some x-rays and didn't see any structural damage to the knee, so the doctor examined my leg by manipulating it all around.  I was white knuckling the table and saying through gritted teeth "I want to punch you so hard!"  I did not punch him, but was laying in a pool of sweat when it was over.   Based on my restricted movement and pain he suspected damage to my ACL and/or LCL and set up an MRI to get a look at the soft tissue.

The MRI was scheduled for Wednesday and man was that a weird experience.  I was a tiny bit worried about going in the tube, but fortunately because it was my knee I was able to keep my head outside of the machine.  And it was just my head outside the machine because I was rolled in there right up to my neck. What I didn't know about MRI machines is how loud they are!  My goodness, they hand you ear plugs the minute you walk into the room and say something like "It is a little loud so be sure the ear plugs are in good."  What they should have said is "This machine is going to make noises that sound like you are an astronaut and have been ejected from the space shuttle into this tiny capsule that is re-entering the atmosphere and will be crashing into the Atlantic Ocean. Hope you make it."  I mean, there were alarms and beeping and terrible scrapping noises and digital countdowns.  It was not relaxing at all and people who can sleep through an MRI are surely on drugs.  I was in there for 15 minutes with my head out and it seemed like a lifetime.

I went back to the doctor on Friday for the MRI results.  Funny story...while waiting for the doctor to come into the examination room I picked up a National Geographic magazine and I'll be damned if there wasn't an article about the very Icelandic waterfall that tried to kill me. Pictures were gorgeous.  I thought that was hilarious.  Anyway, the doctor came in and the good news was there was no soft tissue damage...tendons and ligaments were okay.  Bad news, they found an intact fracture at the top of my tibia. On the screen it looked like it was about 1.5 inches long and is right where the tendon meets the bone which is why when he was pressing on my tendon during the exam I wanted to club him to death.

The prescription is to get off of my leg for three weeks and then go in for a recheck.  That means crutches.  UGH!  They are the worst.  I call them Devil Sticks!  Here are just a few major problems with crutches:

First - I have very little upper body strength.
Second - I have a load on the bottom half to move.
Third - Who is coordinated enough to do this?
Fourth - You get four minutes of instruction and then out the door you go to your car?  Shouldn't there be a class or at least some YouTube videos to watch?
Fifth - How the hell do you carry anything?
Sixth - Bladder issues not helped by hopping along on crutches and getting to the bathroom takes FOREVER!

Anyway, I used the frustrating devil sticks Friday afternoon and evening and had a big crying jag on Saturday morning.  My poor Chip, watched my meltdown and was so sweet.  I just felt so unbalanced, unsteady and helpless on them.  Once I pulled myself together I started looking for a wheelchair.  I found a place that rented them and was open on Saturdays and Harry went to pick it up for me.

This is the face of relief!  A boost to my mobility and my spirits!  I can do this!!!  It's only three weeks!  How lucky that I don't need surgery!  Heal leg, heal!

My boys have been great...although seeing their mom in a wheelchair has been both hilarious and depressing.  I am now called Blanche and there are many laughs and comments about my nursing home as I am traveling through the house. I am still pretty grouchy and bossy, but nothing they can't handle. 

And how about The Worst Dog in the World, being an absolute SAINT for his injured mother.  He has been right by my side the entire time.  Very gentle.  Hasn't jumped on me (much) and only snapped at me once when he was kind of trapped between my wheelchair and the wall in the hallway and I tried to push him backwards and out of the way.  

So, we are getting along okay.  My right leg is an absolute champion and has really carried more than it's fair share since the incident.  Also, I am not in much pain.  Funny, how when you quit walking on your fractured leg, it stops hurting!  

I have done the calculations....66 hours in my rear view mirror, and only 438 more hours to go in my three weeks of confinement!  Hopefully, I will not be Vitamin D deficient from lack of sunshine by the time I am mobile!  

Now I must be on my way.  I have to see if my wheelchair fits through the door of my office so I can get to work!  Have a great Monday!  

1 comment:

  1. You sure have plenty of material to blog about. Going on a vacation to the top of the world, seeing things not many of us has had the opportunity to see and being accompanied by wonderful family and friends. Of course the Strachan Traveling LUCK followed you by nearly throwing off a cliff to your death but ONLY fracturing your tibula . Only you could describe the events surrounding the trip and the awful injury you had. So glad you are now home but hate what you are going through with those crutches and the pain. I do appreciate the laughs you have given me and thank you for all the pictures and day by day blogs of your Iceland adventure. You can do the 438 hours standing on your head so listen to the doc and get better soon. Love you. Dad


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